Building Communities.
We’re Leanlab Education—a nonprofit research organization with a mission to study and grow transformational education innovations that have been codesigned with school communities.
Get Involved!
Join the movement to bring the expertise of educators and students to the forefront in the next generation of research-backed edtech.
Codesign Product Research
We help companies build better solutions, informed by direct feedback and research inside real classrooms.
The Codesign Collective
We work with innovative educators to create community, provide resources, and elevate their voices in the development of edtech.
What is Codesign?
Codesign is the framework we use to conduct research. It’s based on the idea that students, teachers, and parents are the people with the expertise necessary to improve research design and education products.
When we codesign, we engage in a collaborative process that unites critical insights from school communities with technical expertise from researchers and domain knowledge from product developers. Our belief is that when power is shared in the research and development of innovative products, these solutions have the potential to transform education for all learners.