Words Liive (WL) is a web platform for lesson plan development that isolates grammar structure and literary techniques in song lyrics and integrates them into classroom source texts (e.g., novels, speeches) commonly used in primary and secondary schools’ English Language Arts (ELA) classes to improve student literacy. In a new feature, teachers can request customized content that is relevant to their classroom.

Crossroads Preparatory Academy chose to partner with Words Liive to test implementation and to help make ELA instruction culturally relevant and engaging, to impact students’ concept acquisition and retention and ultimately increase achievement.

The purpose of research was two-fold: 1) To provide feedback on classroom implementation to improve the platform; and, 2) To test the conjectures that student engagement and academic performance would be higher when associated with ELA lessons taught using Words Liive (WL) when compared to lessons taught without using Words Liive (non-WL). The 10th grade ELA teacher served as the lead end user for the study.